
Last modified: May 18, 2024

歡迎使用 RealJapaneseNameGenerator.com! 我們理解人們傾向於繞過冗長的法律文件,但在您使用我們的服務時概述雙方的期望至關重要。 在繼續之前,您必須熟悉管理您的使用的條款。

我們感謝您選擇由 RealJapaneseNameGenerator.com(「我們」或「我們的」)提供的產品和服務(「服務」)。 您使用服務即表示您接受這些條款。 請花時間仔細審查它們。


Description of Service

RealJapaneseNameGenerator.com is an AI-based service aimed at generating authentic Japanese names for users. Users can select their gender preference (male, female, or neutral), and our AI engine combines various elements of Japanese names, including syllables, meanings, and popular naming conventions. Our generator ensures that the generated names are culturally authentic and seamlessly integrate into Japanese culture. Through this service, users can obtain genuine Japanese names tailored to their preferences.

By utilizing our Service, you acknowledge that you may receive communications from RealJapaneseNameGenerator, such as service announcements and administrative messages, pertinent to the delivery of the Service. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features or tools introduced by us concerning the Service shall be governed by this Agreement.

The Service is an internet-based product necessitating access via an internet or comparable network connection. You are accountable for securing the requisite internet or network connection to avail RealJapaneseNameGenerator' Service, along with bearing the associated third-party charges (e.g., internet service provider or airtime fees) for connectivity to the Service. Moreover, you are responsible for acquiring and maintaining all equipment essential for connecting to the Service. The quality of your Service experience may hinge on the adequacy of your connectivity and equipment. RealJapaneseNameGenerator disclaims responsibility for any claims or losses arising from issues related to your connectivity and equipment.

Registration and Use of Service

Representations and Warranties: By utilizing the Service, you affirm and guarantee that you possess all pertinent rights and permissions, encompassing all intellectual property rights, pertaining to the information provided by you during your utilization of the Service. By virtue of providing the Service to you, under this license, which is worldwide, non-exclusive, and royalty-free, you confer upon RealJapaneseNameGenerator all requisite permissions and rights. You assume sole responsibility for such information and its provision to RealJapaneseNameGenerator.

Third-Party Content: Our Service may present certain content not originating from RealJapaneseNameGenerator. The accountability for such content rests solely with the entity making it available, and you should not rely on RealJapaneseNameGenerator to have evaluated this content. RealJapaneseNameGenerator does not guarantee the suitability of such content.

Prohibited Uses: You are prohibited from utilizing the Service to construct a similar or competitive product.

No Resale or Redistribution of Service

Except where explicitly sanctioned by RealJapaneseNameGenerator, you agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, vend, trade, resell, grant access, transfer, assign, modify, create derivative works, or exploit any portion of the Service, use of the Service, or access to the Service, including the underlying computer code, for commercial purposes. You bear full responsibility for all activities conducted using your account and are obligated to safeguard the confidentiality of your online account credentials.

Intellectual Property

By utilizing our Service, you acknowledge and agree that no ownership of any intellectual property rights associated with our Service or the content therein is conferred upon you.

All materials and intellectual property rights pertaining to the Service, including underlying technology, modifications, and resultant work products, shall remain the exclusive property of RealJapaneseNameGenerator. No provision herein shall be construed as a transfer of such rights. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, access to the Service does not grant any additional rights.

Should you believe that your work has been utilized in connection with the Service in a manner constituting copyright infringement, or if your intellectual property rights have been violated in any other way, please promptly notify us. RealJapaneseNameGenerator reserves the right to request further details concerning such infringement in a specified format.

Account Access

Registration: To complete the registration process and gain registrant status, you must provide a valid email address and any other requested information. Registration must be performed by a human, and accounts created by automated methods, including "bots," are strictly prohibited.

Security Responsibility: You are solely responsible for maintaining the security of your account and password. RealJapaneseNameGenerator disclaims any liability for any loss or damage resulting from your failure to comply with this obligation.

Service and Marketing Messages

Email Notifications: By registering an account for our Service (free or paid), you explicitly authorize us to send email notifications to the email address provided during registration. These notifications encompass various updates pertaining to RealJapaneseNameGenerator' toolset, instructional content such as tips and tutorials on utilizing RealJapaneseNameGenerator' tools, as well as essential system messages.

Optional Subscriptions: Additionally, you have the option to subscribe to promotional offers and weekly updates from the RealJapaneseNameGenerator blog. It's important to note that opting for these subscriptions is not mandatory for completing the registration process. You retain the freedom to opt-out of any of these optional emails at your discretion by utilizing the 'Unsubscribe' link embedded at the bottom of each email dispatched by us.

Message Delivery Channels: Messages or emails may be dispatched through our proprietary mailing service or via reputable third-party services such as Sendcloud, Sendgrid, or AWS. For further details regarding this aspect, please refer to RealJapaneseNameGenerator' comprehensive privacy policy, which is an integral component of these terms.

Unauthorized Uses

Prohibited Actions: You are strictly prohibited from engaging in any form of unauthorized modification, adaptation, or hacking of the Service. This includes refraining from altering another website in a manner that falsely suggests an association with the Service or RealJapaneseNameGenerator. Reverse engineering of object code or reuse of source code provided in connection with the Service, including JavaScript, is explicitly forbidden, as it may constitute a breach of RealJapaneseNameGenerator' intellectual property rights. Furthermore, transmission of worms, viruses, or any malicious code is expressly prohibited.

Access Restrictions: You agree not to access the Service via any means other than the designated interface provided by RealJapaneseNameGenerator. Any attempts to interfere with or disrupt the integrity, security, functionality, or performance of the Service or its components are strictly prohibited. Unauthorized access to our Service, website, server, or database, including through automated tools such as scrapers or bots, is strictly prohibited. We reserve the right to terminate, suspend, or block your access in the event of any violation of our terms.

Prohibited Techniques: You are prohibited from attempting to circumvent any functionality or access features on the website directly by utilizing custom HTTP (or similar) calls. Similarly, any attempts to manipulate the Service or access it in a manner inconsistent with reasonable and permitted use are strictly prohibited.

Instructions, Rules, Guidelines, and Directions

RealJapaneseNameGenerator reserves the right to issue instructions, rules, guidelines, and directions periodically regarding the provision of the Service. Your continued usage of the Service implies your agreement to adhere to these directives.

Blocking of IP Addresses:

To uphold the integrity of our Service, RealJapaneseNameGenerator reserves the right to block registrants and subscribers from accessing the Service from certain IP addresses at any time, at its sole discretion. If you believe your IP address has been erroneously blocked, please contact us.

Data Collection and Utilization

You acknowledge and consent that RealJapaneseNameGenerator may anonymize and aggregate any data provided by you to the Service, including data associated with your Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts, and employ it for the purpose of enhancing the Service without disclosing your identity.

Service Modifications

We continuously enhance and update our Service, which may involve adding or removing functionalities or features, or even suspending or terminating the Service altogether. While we regret if you choose to discontinue using our Service, you are free to do so at any time. RealJapaneseNameGenerator reserves the right to cease providing the Service to you, or impose new limits on our Service, at our discretion.

You agree that RealJapaneseNameGenerator shall not be held liable, neither to you nor to any third party, for any modifications, suspensions, or discontinuations of the Service.


The Service may include links to other websites or resources on the World Wide Web. As RealJapaneseNameGenerator lacks control over such external sites or resources, you acknowledge and agree that RealJapaneseNameGenerator bears no responsibility for their availability, does not endorse them, and is not accountable for any content, advertising, or other materials present on or accessible from such sites or resources. You further acknowledge and agree that RealJapaneseNameGenerator shall not be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damages or losses incurred or alleged to be incurred as a result of using or relying on any such content, goods, or services available on or through any such site or resource.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless RealJapaneseNameGenerator, as well as its directors, officers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, judgments, obligations, liabilities, costs, expenses, damages, and losses incurred due to (a) your violation of any of these terms; (b) any infringement or alleged infringement of any intellectual property right arising directly or indirectly from your actions or omissions; and/or (c) your violation of any applicable laws.

Liability Disclaimer

The provision of our Service, along with all information contained therein, is offered on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any warranty.

RealJapaneseNameGenerator does not guarantee or warrant that the Service (including any products or data) will meet your requirements, be secure, timely, accurate, error-free, bug-free, virus-free, uninterrupted, compliant with applicable law, or that RealJapaneseNameGenerator will rectify all errors.

In accordance with applicable law, RealJapaneseNameGenerator explicitly disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, past or present, statutory, or otherwise arising from a course of dealing or usage of trade. RealJapaneseNameGenerator specifically disclaims all implied warranties, including any express or implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and/or non-infringement.

To the extent permitted by law, RealJapaneseNameGenerator shall not be liable for loss of profits or revenues, loss of use of products or services, loss of business opportunity, loss of reputation and/or contract, downtime costs, increased expense of operation, loss of or corruption of data, financial losses, or any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages, or damages of any kind whatsoever.

To the extent permitted by law, RealJapaneseNameGenerator' total liability for any claim under these terms, including for any implied warranties, is limited to the amount you paid us to use the Service in the 12 months preceding the claim (or, if we choose, to supplying you the Service again).

To the extent permitted by law, RealJapaneseNameGenerator shall not be liable for any loss or damage that is not reasonably foreseeable.

RealJapaneseNameGenerator shall not be responsible for any delay in performance or non-performance due to any cause beyond the reasonable control of RealJapaneseNameGenerator.

Regulatory Compliance

You affirm and guarantee continual compliance with all applicable laws, including sanctions and export control regulations, concerning all activities conducted herein and your utilization of the Service.

Contacting RealJapaneseNameGenerator

You may reach RealJapaneseNameGenerator via email.

By contacting RealJapaneseNameGenerator, you authorize the utilization of any ideas, information, designs, or other materials contained in any communication, unless expressly reserved in writing.

Comments or feedback provided to RealJapaneseNameGenerator may be utilized without obligation.

It is understood by all parties that email communication is not a secure medium. Emails are acknowledged as received only upon manual confirmation. Communication from RealJapaneseNameGenerator via email is not legally binding unless explicitly stated.

About these Terms

We reserve the right to modify these terms or any additional terms related to the Service to reflect legal or service changes. Please review the online version regularly. Notice of modifications will be posted on this page. Changes will become effective no sooner than seven days after posting, unless addressing new Service functions or legal reasons, in which case they will be effective immediately. If you disagree with modified terms, discontinue using our Service.

These terms govern the relationship between RealJapaneseNameGenerator and you; they do not confer third-party beneficiary rights.

Non-enforcement of these terms does not constitute a waiver of our rights or remedies.

If any term is deemed invalid, unenforceable, or void, the other terms remain valid and enforceable.

Section titles herein are for convenience only and hold no legal effect.